Taryn Baker


Available Fridays @ Inna Bliss Bulimba

Bookings: bio.site/thekilterspace

Instagram: thekilterspace

Accreditation | College of Complementary Medicine – Diploma of Kinesiology

Association | International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).

Taryn is a passionate and qualified holistic Kinesiologist who specializes in uncovering and releasing hidden subconscious stress patterns to empower individuals on their journey towards holistic well-being. With a whole-person approach to wellness, she considers the physical, mental, and emotional aspects in her sessions, recognising their interconnectedness and influence on each other.

Taryn's personal experience of major transformations through the modality of Kinesiology inspired her to study and help others. By stripping back layers and addressing underlying stress patterns, she has gone from feeling unaligned in her own life to successfully calling in a new career, finding her life partner in her 40s, and living a more value-driven life. These personal achievements serve as a testament to the power of Kinesiology and motivate Taryn to assist others in their own journeys of realignment and elevation.

Passionate about promoting Kinesiology as a proactive well-being tool, Taryn aims to make it the norm for individuals to explore underlying stress patterns as a preventative health measure, leading to overall well-being and vitality. With her 20 years of experience in the corporate world, she possesses a unique understanding of the stress, busyness, and challenges faced by individuals in that space. This background gives her the insight to empathize with clients and appreciate the courage it takes for them to align their lives to something more fulfilling.