A Path of Creative Consciousness
Weaving Your Creative Spirit and Divine Nature into Everyday Life
Tantra is widely recognised as one of the MOST powerful approaches towards Spiritual development, yet it is also among one of the most misunderstood.
The term Tantra is derived from 2 Sanskrit words, “Tan” to stretch/expand and “Tra” meaning a tool or instrument of protection …hence Tantra is an artful pathway of expanding One’s Consciousness in safe and sustainable ways.
There is also a second meaning which is “to loom” or “to weave” the threads of our pleasures, desires and energy (Shakti) onto the Great Tapestry of Divine Consciousness (Shiva)
So what is the difference between Red Tantra and White Tantra??
The short answer is that Red Tantra is focused on sexuality, erotic arousal and sensuality, whilst White Tantra is more oriented towards a spiritual approach and recognising the Sacred and Divine in all aspects of life. Amongst many things, White Tantra helps to strengthen both our physical etheric energy fields so as to give to give us the ability to easily transcend the lessons of the earth, breaking habits, addictive patterns, heightening awareness and intuition, and can support us to release and heal deep wounds, imprints and Samskaras. It does this by working in the Realm of the Soul.
Having practiced Tantra for our 20 years, Andrew unites his diverse background and experience with Transpersonal work, Mythology, Astrology, Dance and Yogic Philosophy to bring a rich and exciting view and perspective on this liberating art form and spiritual practice. He truly hopes you can join him for this afternoon of Tantric Philosophy and unfolding the Creative gifts and Blessings it brings.
“It is thought it would take 33 lifetimes to learn all there is to know about Tantra…” Douglas Brooks/Tantric Scholar
May we unfold one lotus flower at a time…
Please Note: There will be no nudity or sexual practices during workshops…but lots of fun, joyful, informative, interpersonal and experiential energetic exercises and exchanges.
Open to ages, genders and levels of experience !!
There will be lots of practices and information to take home and explore more deeply with loved ones and your own personal exchanges in Daily Life!!!
Early bird pricing : $45 before September 30th / $55 after
Introduction to Tantra,
Shiva and Shakti/Masculine and Feminine.
Kali and Shiva in Tantra
The Power and Potency of Ritual in Tantra…how this can be used daily!
Intuition, Potentiality, Laws of Spirit/ Manifesting Currents and Liberating Currents
Sacred Symbology, Mythology, Deities as archetypal reflections of Self and ways in which to utilise our inner potential to Heal
Living our Dharma (Purpose)
Daily Practices to keep Tantra alive in Daily Life