Get a head start on the new year by bringing your body and mind back into balance and shedding some of the excesses of the festive season.
This 2 hour workshop practice will offer a well-rounded yoga practice, where every part of the body is pushed, pulled, twisted, turned and upended :) The sequencing will be designed to facilitate more optimal movement of the cells of the body so that the detoxification process is more efficient. So simply by moving every part of the body in a specific way we support the health of our cells so they are able to do their job and detoxify the way they need to.
The class will begin with some cleansing pranayama, followed by a vinyasa sequence designed to give your digestive system a natural boost with a twisting, detoxifying practice. This vinyasa is specifically designed to cleanse your body and clear your mind with a sequence that will generate heat, fire up your metabolism and create space in the body, aiding in digestion, cleansing and mental clarity. This will be followed by a meditation practice centered around letting go of the past year and any negativity that we may be holding onto so we detox mentally as well as physically.
And finally, we will drop into a deep yoga sleep with a 20 minute soothing, nourishing and relaxing Yoga Nidra.
Price: $40